The past two winters I've been working in Northern Nicaragua for an all-women's surf/yoga/adventure company, Surf With Amigas. Here are some of my favorite moments caught on camera from the 2017 season:
5:30 AM - two young fishermen.
Little boy sitting beneath the bell after school. This was taken at the oldest cathedral in Central America; in Leon, Nicaragua.
6 AM surf quests in Northern Nicaragua
"Nicaragua's national bird is the motmot. This brightly colored bird can be easily recognized by its long, light blue tail. Motmots eat mostly insects, and they, oddly, dig a hole to lay their eggs. They can be seen in forests throughout Nicaragua, mostly in the southwest of the country."
Mid-day scene in Leon, Nicaragua.
My kiwi roommate Annie! We spent everyday together for over 2 months. Spent most days laughing, surfing our brains out, and eating ALL the chocolate we could get our hands on.
Aura, Chloe, Annie and I with the awesome ladies from Stowell Lake Farm/Guayaki.
Nicaraguan history.
Open air market in Chinendega. It isn't uncommon for most perishables to sit outdoors in the hot weather for hours at a time.